This page last changed on Oct 23, 2006 by cholmes.


The pre-release testing walkthrough is to be performed by a 3rd party, non developer, before every major release. This will help ensure that there are no major show stopping bugs when the release goes out.

Follow these steps from the start to the end. If there is a problem anywhere, please e-mail the developer's list [email protected]
The developers will tell you if the problem you are having is a bug or a 'user error'.

You can submit bugs on Jira here.


Please ask the mailing list first before you submit a bug. We must verify that it is in fact a problem with GeoServer.

Walkthrough Steps

The steps are attached as an Excel spreadsheet.


testing checklist.xls (application/octet-stream)
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:26